Spool Quilt Block Tutorials. Block 11

Spool Quilt Block Tutorials
 Can you believe we’re already up to block 11? I hope you’ve been having as much fun as I have!

This month’s block is simple, quick, and easy. I’ve chosen some sunshiny spring colors for mine.

How to Make Flowers out Fabric

Украшение цветок из ткани
Tutorial on creating jewelry from the fabric with your own hands.

Cross-stitch. Schemes and examples.

Вышивка крестом. Схемы и примеры
Cross-stitch. Schemes and examples for experienced and novice.

Patchwork Bag Tutorial. Bag for needlework

Bag for needlework.

Unusual bag in Japanese style

Unusual bag in Japanese style Look, one more unusual handbag in the Japanese style.
The original look, peculiar accessories - what is not a gift?