Quart-Size Travel Bag with Window (this also makes a great pencil / pen bag). Finished size is 6 X 8
The best part of this tutorial is the zipper--lots of photos and once you understand it, you can put a zipper in any size bag.
Materials List:
1 fat quarter main print fabric (about 10 X 11 piece)
1 fat quarter lining fabric (about 12 X 13 piece includes tabs)
¾ yd. fusible interfacing
8-inch zipper (minimum, any size over is fine)
(1) key fob
(1) 8½ X 4½ piece of clear vinyl
Main print fabric Lining print fabric Zipper & key fob tabs (choose fabric)
(1) 8½ X 6½ (1) 8½ X 6½ (1) 12 X 2
(2) 8½ X 1½ (1) 8½ X 1½ -subcut into
(1) 8½ X 1¾ (3) 4 X 2
1. Fuse interfacing to main and lining prints. Cut fabric to required sizes. All measurements in inches and seams ¼ inch.
Bag Front:
1. Stitch 8½ X 1½ main print to one end of 8½ X 4½ vinyl piece. Use a Teflon or walking foot if you have it. Press toward main print, making bag front top.
2. Sandwich bottom of 8½ X 4½ vinyl between one 8½ X 1½ main print and lining print,ensuring that main print will be sewn onto bag front. Stitch. Press away from vinyl--make sure iron does not touch vinyl.
1. Press both ends of 4 X 2 strips under ¼ , then fold strip in half so ¼ ends are together.
2. Open zipper and then hold together, marking a stitch line. stitch. Cut the overhang if necessary, enough to wrap zipper tab around the end.
3. Stitch line should be laying on the ¼ piece of the zipper tab.
4. Stitch the zipper tab closed, about ⅛ from the edge. Cut open zipper tab to expose the teeth of the zipper.
5. Cut the zipper end down to about ¼.
6. Lay the zipper on a mat and measure 6¼ from the edge of the sewn zipper tab.
7. Draw a stitch line on the zipper. Stitch.
8. Attach the tab to this end in the same fashion as the first. There should be (approximately) a 6⅛ length between tabs.
[On that note, now that you know how to make this zipper, you can put it in any size pouch--just subtract 2⅜ from the total length of the pre-sewn fabric pieces and you’ve got the distance you need between tabs. awesome, huh?]
Bag Front Sandwich:
1. Place 8½ X 1¾ lining piece right side up.
2. Center zipper on top, right side up, using zipper edge as a guide (tabs will be over-sized).
3. Place bag front on top of zipper, right side down. Stitch sandwich. Cut off edges of zipper along stitch line. Press.
4. Turn under lining so it matches the edge of the vinyl and finger press. Fold back piece and press in earnest. Return to prior position and re-press the zipper edge until the lining pieces lays flat.
Bag Back Sandwich:
1. Place 8½ X 1½ lining piece right side up.
2. Center zipper on top, right side up, using zipper edge as guide.
3. Place 8½ X 6½ main print on top of zipper, right side down. Stitch sandwich. Press.
1. Iron remaining 4 X 2 strip in half long-wise. Open, press long raw edges to center fold. Fold in half so that raw edges are now encased. Press. Stitch ⅛ from edge and set aside.
1. Topstitch ¼ on all seams, making sure to catch bag front top lining piece that was ironed under to match vinyl edge.
2. Square up bag a little, being careful to keep width on both sides of zipper even.
3. **Open Zipper**
4. Pin key fob to top side edge so it is laying against the main print.
5. Fold bag in half, front and back right sides together. Make sure top zipper edges are as flat as possible and that the top inside seams match up.
6. Stitch sides and bottom using zigzag, straight stitch, or serger. Trim any exposed edges with pinking shears.
7. Turn bag right side out. Use instrument (e.g., crochet hook, knitting needle) to push out zipper ends. If vinyl is really stiff, place a piece of fabric over the vinyl and then iron until warm--that will make it easier to turn right-side out.
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