Hexagon Pincushion Tutorial

Hexagon Pincushion Tutorial

 I discovered English paper piecing at the beginning of this year. All you need is a few small scraps of fabric, you can cut the templates yourself, you always have a needle and thread in the house anyway and it's great for sewing on the sofa in the evening. The possibilities are almost endless ...

The edge length of the hexagon templates determines the size of the finished pincushion. The templates used here have an edge length of 2.5 cm. You also need a few scraps of fabric, a needle, thread, some wadding and you're ready to go!

I'll tell you how to make an “English Paper Piecing Hexagon” from these ingredients in an illustrated tutorial HERE.

Hexagon Pincushion Tutorial

For such a hexagon pin cushion you need 8 hexagons of the same size. They are sewn together with fine overlock stitches to form a flower. The arrows in the picture mark the order of the seams. Wonder clips help to hold them in place while sewing.

Hexagon Pincushion Tutorial

Once the flower is finished, the next step is to join the outer edges of the petals. The arrows in the picture mark the corresponding edges and the Wonder clips also make sewing easier here.

Hexagon Pincushion Tutorial

This closes the flower more and more until it looks like a small bowl. Our eighth hexagon forms the lid. It is sewn edge by edge, also with fine overlock stitches.

Hexagon Pincushion Tutorial

The last two edges are left open as a turning opening, the basting threads and paper templates of the paper pieces are removed ...

Hexagon Pincushion Tutorial

... and the almost finished pincushion is turned over. Once it has been sufficiently stuffed with wadding, close the turning opening with a few stitches and TADAA!

Hexagon Pincushion Tutorial

The 8 x 9 cm hexagon pincushion is finished.

Hexagon Pincushion Tutorial

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