Makin’ Pincushions: Trims and stems + Tufting the fruit

DIY Pin Cushion - Cute Pincushion Tutorial

Once all of my cushions are filled, they’re ready for trimming! This is my favorite part – I get to paw through my stash of buttons, yarn and felt. I love wool felt – it feels nice an beefy and the colors seem more vivid. I buy most of my wool felt (actually a wool/rayon mix) at Treadle Yard goods in St. Paul. They also carry some nice bamboo/rayon felt that is softer and more flimsy, but comes in great, bright colors. I also use a few flannels and wools for trimming.

DIY Pin Cushion - Cute Pincushion Tutorial

Before I can start trimming and tufting the cushions I have one more thing to do – make stems for my fruits. Basically it’s sculpting with wool. Here’s how

DIY Pin Cushion - Cute Pincushion Tutorial

DIY Pin Cushion - Cute Pincushion Tutorial

DIY Pin Cushion - Cute Pincushion Tutorial

DIY Pin Cushion - Cute Pincushion Tutorial

Makin’ Pincushions: Tufting the fruit

DIY Pin Cushion - Cute Pincushion Tutorial

The pears and apples are assembled in the same way. Fill, tuft, attach leaves and stems. Here, I’m working on one of the pears. My favorite pear. Oh, how I love those colors!

Before I start, my #1 tip for tufting and trimming pincushions is to stock up on specialty needles. A 5” doll needle (thin enough to get through the holes on buttons) and a curved needle (normally in the upholstery section) will make the whole process a LOT easier.

OK, now for the pic-tori

DIY Pin Cushion - Cute Pincushion Tutorial

DIY Pin Cushion - Cute Pincushion Tutorial

DIY Pin Cushion - Cute Pincushion Tutorial

DIY Pin Cushion - Cute Pincushion Tutorial

DIY Pin Cushion - Cute Pincushion Tutorial

DIY Pin Cushion - Cute Pincushion Tutorial

DIY Pin Cushion - Cute Pincushion Tutorial

DIY Pin Cushion - Cute Pincushion Tutorial

DIY Pin Cushion - Cute Pincushion Tutorial


Makin’ Pincushions:Filling up the cushions!

Makin’ Pincushions: Assembling the tomatoes

DIY Pin Cushion - Cute Pincushion Tutorial

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