DIY EASY BACKPACK TUTORIAL | How to make a simple Backpack. How to Sew a Little Backpack.
MATERIALS: (I don't know the exact name of each item, but you can see them in the photo)
1 x 1'50 m of fabric for the outside (canvas type or as in my case upholstery fabric)
1 x 1'50 m of fabric for the lining (any fabric will do)
Thermo-adhesive interlining (fliseline)
Two 18 cm zippers (best made of iron and matching the color of the fabric)
2 m of 3 cm wide cotton ribbon (black) for handles
1 m of cord (black)
1 tensioner (to close the backpack)
2 magnetic buttons
2 square metal rings, 3 cm wide
2 square metal rings 3 cm wide to tighten the straps
One small 1.5 cm carabiner
A 1.5 cm metal seed
a 5 cm metal seed
We take as a reference the measure X (18 cm) which is the bottom of the backpack. So you can make it in the same proportion, as I have done, or vary the proportion, changing the measure of X, if you want it smaller or bigger. I have put in red the measures that I have used, the standard measures in black.
A-B = 2 X minus 5 cm (31 cm)
1-3 = 2 X minus 5 cm (31 cm)
6-2 = X (18 cm)
A-11, 12-4, 7-9, 10-C= 1'5 cm
17= the distance between 1 and 16 minus 5 cm (11'5 cm)
18 = the distance between 16 and 3 minus 5 cm (11'5 cm)
A-1= half of A-B (15'5 cm)
6-15= 5 cm
Points 19 and 20 are 1 cm above the center line (1-3).
A-C= 2 X minus 5 cm (31 cm)
A-B = X (18 cm)
A-1, 3-C= 1'5 cm
For the pocket, we copy the measurements 17-18 of the front pattern (in my case 23 cm) and 16-14 (in my case 15'5 cm).
C-17 , and D-18 = 5 cm
E-14 = 2.5 cm
H-G = 2.5 cm
I-F = 2.5 cm
J-G = 2,5 cm at an angle of 45º. Join J with B and H with a straight line.
K-F = 2,5 cm at an angle of 45º. Join K with I and A with a straight line.
This is the pattern for the pocket below. Label cut 1X self.
The location of the button (in the center) about 1'5 cm below point 16 .
L-16 = 3/4 of X. (13'5 cm)
Around the corners at M and N .
The location of the button in the center about 1 cm above L .
P-13 = X + 5 cm ( 23 cm)
Round the corners at Q and R .
We cut all the patterns on the outer fabric and lining, as indicated in the patterns. In addition we must cut on the outer fabric:
For the closure 1 strip 10 cm wide and the length will be equal to the distance between 11-12 plus the distance between 9-10 times two (96 cm).
1 strip of 10 x 10 cm (for the hanging ring)
1 strip 6 cm wide by 20 cm long (for the handle loops)
1 strip 3 cm wide by 15 cm long (for the front zipper)
Also on the lining fabric cut the inside pockets as you wish.
All pieces should be cut with seam allowance.
1. We start by sewing the pocket darts on the back side, both on the lining and on the outer fabric.
2. Face the two pieces of the pocket right sides together and sew all the way around, leaving the top part open.
3. On the outer fabric we mount the magnetic button (we can do it before sewing the two parts together, but I forgot to do it).
Turn, fold the top edge inwards and stitch a backstitch.
5. We place the other part of the magnetic button on the lining of the cover (now if I have done it right, before sewing it). To secure the button, I glue a small piece of interlining, frame and cut where the legs of the button will go and reinforce it with a piece of wadding.
6. On the outer fabric, we glue the interlining (flannel) and then face right sides together, sew, leaving the upper part (the straight part) open. Turn and stitch all around the cover.
7. We make the loop for the front closure. Fold the 3 x 15 cm strip lengthwise. Sew along the long side and one of the narrow sides. Turn and iron (we can stitch a few stitches lengthwise). Now we will only use half of the strip, so we cut it in half. We pass the 1.5 cm metal “half-ring”, and make a backstitch as close as possible to the ring.
8. Sew the pocket in place (according to the pattern) with a backstitch. Place the flap on the pattern mark, as shown in the photo, and insert the loop in the center. Sew with a backstitch as shown in the photo.
1. Put the two fabrics (lining and outside) right side against right side and insert the zipper in the middle. Make sure that the two zippers are in the same direction, otherwise it will look terrible when assembled.
2. Stitch as close as possible to the zipper. Turn and stitch on the right side as shown in the picture.
3. We are going to sew the upper part. Place right side against right side and sew as close as possible to the zipper.
4. Assemble the inside of the pocket. We place it as shown in the photo, right side against the right side of the pocket lining.
5. This photo shows better how it will look. We put pins on it so that it doesn't move and on the right side we stitch a zipper pull stitch.
6. we already have a finished pocket. Let's go for the other one, which is made in the same way.
1. Let's assemble the outside of the backpack. Put the side pieces (the pockets) and the front piece right side together. We sew making sure that we take all the pieces of the pockets (lining and back). Do the same with the back. If we want to be able to backstitch on the right side of each seam (as indicated by the red line). I have done it, it makes the seam flatter and reinforces it.
2. We put interlining (flannel) on the bottom part (what will be the bottom of the backpack).
3. We make the loops with the 6 cm wide strips. In the same way as we have done the front closure.
4. We pin the bottom to the sides of the backpack and insert the loops. We sew. I have reinforced with two stitches the area of the loops to resist the pulls.
5. It will look like this.
1. Let's go for the lining. The first thing to do is to sew the inside pockets. We can make them in any size we want, depending on the use we are going to give it. It is easier to make them with a single piece of clothing and sew the separations, but I didn't have more clothes. So I have made two pockets using scraps. We sew all the pieces and the bottom of the bag as we have done before.
2. We put interlining (fliseline) on the top of the backpack.
3. We face right sides together and insert the other part of the zipper. We put the carabiner to the piece of the loop that was left over before (point 7 of the front pocket). Stitch all the way around, except for the upper part.
4. Turn and stitch around the edge. It will look like this.
1. We sew the 10 x 10 cm loop and place it halfway through the 5 cm metal half-ring.
2. Cut 2 strips of 1m each for the handles. At one end we sew them to the central axis of the square tensioning rings.
3. We pass the straps through the loops of the backpack and then with the tensioners as shown in the photo.
4. Sew the other end of the handles and the ring loop to the back of the backpack. It is important to sew the handles at a 45 degree angle. This will make it more comfortable to wear. To secure them, it is preferable to sew several stitches in an X pattern.
5. Now we glue the lid to the back of the backpack. Stitch.
6. We put the interlining to the strip of the zipper we have cut and close it in the round. We fold it in half.
7. We glue the ribbon around the mouth of the backpack and when stitching we also sew the lining. This way we will sew the lid and the handles again and it will be even stronger.
To finish, I made holes and put eyelets. We pass the cord to close it and put the tensioner (in spite of the many photos, I didn't take any of this step).
And here is the final result.
I hope you like it and that the step by step is well understood, because it has cost me a lot of work!!!.
Do you dare to make it?
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