Soft toy Bunny sewn from socks. DIY step-by-step tutorials

 Soft toy Bunny sewn from socks. DIY step-by-step tutorials
Materials and tools:

socks with a high cuff - 1 pair;

filler (synthetic winterizer, holofiber, cotton wool);

pink felt;


cotton sewing threads;

thick kapron thread;

needles are short and long;




Soft toy "Bunny" sewn from socks. DIY step-by-step tutorials

Boutonniere flowers leather DIY step-by-step tutorials

Boutonniere leather DIY step-by-step tutorials

Boutonniere flowers leather DIY step-by-step tutorials
Necessary materials and tools:

• acrylic paints (blue and white), synthetic brush, palette

• leather (black, gray and green), glue, dry fuel tablets

• scissors, brooch clasp, beads, punch

• wire, acetone, scissors

Уроки по шитью. Обработка прямых и закругленных углов.

Сегодняшний урок мне хотелось бы посвятить процессу, который используется при шитье практически любой одежды: пиджаков, рубашек, брюк, верхней одежды... Это обработка прямых и скругленных углов. Приступим к работе.

В нашем примере один край будет выполнен под углом 90 градусов, а другой угол будет сделан полукругом. Берем две детали, складываем их лицевой стороной внутрь. С помощью иголки с ниткой соединяем эти детали на расстоянии 1 см от края. Лучше это делать на твердой плоской поверхности, а не на весуэто предотвратит их смещение относительно друг друга.

Tutorials sewing. Processing lines and rounded corners.

Flower kanzashi. DIY step-by-step tutorials

Flower kanzashi. DIY step-by-step tutorials
Of course the flowers. They can decorate everything that your imagination will please. Just a few minutes of free time and voila, the flower is ready.

Hair Scrunchy with flower zipper tutorial

Scrunchy with flower zipper  step-by-step tutorials
Sometimes even the most nondescript parts of clothing can make an interesting and beautiful thing. For example, you can make various jewelry from a zipper. This idea is very popular now. In my master class, I will tell you how to make a flower out of old zippers.

Scrunchy with flower zipper  step-by-step tutorials

Flowers of satin organza

Flowers of satin organza  Flowers from fabric, a selection of photos. They can decorate a hairdress, create an ornament, decorate an interior, a wedding dress, a hat or a handbag.

Decoration of buttons

Button abundance! The simplest buttons in the skilled hands of craftsmen can turn into a wonderful decorative element. Buttons can "depict" anything you want -

Decoration of buttons

Fur-tree from buttons
Поделки из пуговиц | crafts made of buttons

Felt Crafts Toys. DIY ideas for home decor

Felt Crafts Toys. DIY ideas for home decor

Поделки из Фетра / Felt Crafts Toys. DIY ideas for home decor
Many bright, New Year, original felt ideas for decoration of festive interior, decoration of Christmas trees, as well as children's creativity. It seems to be so simple, and so beautiful. All the New Year attributes, toys made of felt - Christmas trees, little houses, snowmen, angels, sweets, Christmas rabbits, deer, owls and much more.