Чтобы ножки малыша не мерзли во время прогулок в прохладную погоду, можно сшить специальный спальный мешок. Верхняя его часть ничем не отличается от классического детского комбинезона, а нижняя полностью обхватывает ноги, предотвращая к ним доступ холодного воздуха. Используя приложенную схему построения чертежа выкройки данного изделия, вы без труда сможете сшить спальный мешок для ребенка, сильно сэкономив на его покупке.
Sew the original bag - the task is not difficult and quite feasible.Today I want you, together with me, to make an interesting "sea" bag of simple fabric squares.
There are not many summer dresses.I want to wear something light and bright every day so that the summer mood never leaves you.Today I want to offer you to sew a cute and very cute skirt on your own, which will be an excellent component in your summer wardrobe.
Did you know that from simple things, with the help of not complicated manipulations, you can make original and stylish?It turns out that this is not at all difficult, and today I want to show you this as an example.We will remake the usual, unremarkable T-shirt, which will “turn into a butterfly” and become a stylish tunic.
Children grow up very fast.As summer approaches, reviewing the child’s wardrobe, you understand that there will be practically nothing for him to wear.I propose a quick way out of the situation - let's sew simple, but cute shorts in just an hour.