Patchwork Quilt Bag Turorial.

Patchwork Quilt Bag. DIY step-by-step tutorial. Сумка в стиле японский пэчворк

DIY Cell Phone Case.

DIY Fabric Phone Case. Ready to stow your checkbook, coin purse, cell phone, sunglasses, etc.

DIY Cell Phone Case Tutorial. Чехол для телефона на молнии, инструкция по шитью

Stuffed Cat Pillow Tutorial.

Sofa cushion big cat.

Cat Pillow Cushion. Toy Doll Home Sofa Decoration.  DIY tutorial. Необычная подушка в виде кота, инструкция по шитью

Decorative Pillow Fish.

Handmade Fish Cushion.

You can use it both like a cushion or a soft toy for kids. It is adorable isn´t it? Place it on your bed or on the couch and have a smile on your face everytime you see it :)

Decorative Pillow fish. DIY step-by-step tutorial. Подушка в виде рыбы, выкройка и инструкция

Tilda Cat Pillow.

Stuffed animal, Cat Pillow,  Kids toys, Kids Travel pillow, Kids pillow toy, Cat Home decor

Tilda Cat Pillow. Кот-подушка
 This funny Tilda Cats Toys made in Primitive style can serve as well as a Travel Pillow for kids or grown up with healthy sense of humor, so it would be wonderful present for boys and girls of any age and would be a great accent in decor of the car or a room.

Rabbit Family Tilda.

Rabbit family, cute tilda bunnies, set of tilda rabbits

If you have a little kid, these tilda rabbits become his best friends, and he certainly does not want to leave them for a minute. And the family of rabbits excellent will decorate the nursery, girl's room, or baby shower.

Tilda bunny rabbits, Stuffed animal rabbit, Bunnies family, Tilda toys. Семья кроликов-куклы тильда

Lunch Bag Tutorial Sewing.

DIY Multifunction Handbag (lunch bag). 

Lunch Bag Tutorial Sewing. Сумка для обеда

Bag of old jeans tutorial.

Bag of old jeans tutorial. Сумка из старых джинс

Recycled Denim Jeans: DIY, recycle, refashion