Quilt Patchwork Bag.

How to sew a bag in patchwork & quilting technique. DIY tutorial in pictures. Лоскутная сумка
How to sew a bag in patchwork & quilting technique. DIY tutorial in pictures.

Patchwork Market Tote/Bag Tutorial.

Patchwork Bag Torba round bottom. DIY tutorial with pictures. Сумка-торба Пэчворк
Patchwork Bag Torba round bottom. DIY tutorial with pictures. The height of approximately 28-30 cm and a diameter of about 50 cm.

Автор:  DaNika

Cosmetic Bag Japanese Patchwork Tutorial.

How to sew a cosmetics bag in the technique Japanese Patchwork. DIY tutorial with pictures. Косметичка Японский Пэчворк
How to sew a cosmetics bag in the technique Japanese Patchwork. DIY tutorial with pictures.

Bag Patchwork Denim. DIY tutorial with pictures.

We sew a bag of patchwork and old jeans. DIY tutorial with pictures. Шьем сумку  из лоскутков и старых джинсов. МК
We sew a bag of patchwork and old jeans. DIY tutorial with pictures.

Bag "Origami" Tutorial.

Bag in the style of "Origami". DIY step-by-step tutorial with pictures. Сумочка в стиле "Оригами". Мастер-класс.
 Bag in the style of "Origami". DIY step-by-step tutorial with pictures.

Kids Backpack Tutorial.

Kids backpack made of felt or fleece. DIY step-by-step tutorial with pictures. Детский рюкзак из фетра или флиса. Мастер-класс.
Unusual Creative Kids backpack made of felt or fleece. DIY step-by-step tutorial with pictures.

Japanese Boro Bag Tutorial.

Japanese Boro Denim Tote Bag. DIY step-by-step tutorial with pictures.
Japanese Boro Denim Tote Bag. Sewing: Quilting and Patchwork. DIY step-by-step tutorial with pictures.

Bag Transformer Tutorial.

I would like to offer you tutorial on making  Eco Bag Transformers! DIY step-by-step tutorial. Мастер-класс по пошиву сумки-трансформера!
I would like to offer you tutorial on making  eco-bag Transformers! DIY step-by-step Tutorial with pictures.