Mini Market Tote Bag Tutorial

How to Make a Market Tote Bag. Step by step sewing instructions.

Patchwork Tote Bag Tutorial

 I love patchwork! And I love getting on to my next sewing project – so that’s when I turn to something small, fun, and quick-ish to do like this tote bag.

Simple Patchwork Cushion Tutorial

 How to Make a Simple Patchwork Pillow Cushion. DIY Tutorial

Three panel Patchwork Cushion. Tutorial

 Make a Simple Patchwork Cushion (suitable for beginners)

Simple Drawstring Bag Tutorial

 Really simple drawstring bag pattern, for Christmas presents.

Mini Christmas Stocking Tutorial

 Stockings also look great as decorations, even if you don’t actually fill them (sacrilege!), so here’s a mini version, to fill or not to fill!

Scrappy Patchwork Needle Book Tutorial

 Here’s my scrappy needle book tutorial. It makes a sweet folding book, with a cute little holder for a pair of mini-scissors or snips.

Hoo-Ha Bag Pouch Tutorial

 How to Sew a Hoo-Ha Zipper Pouch Tutorial. How to sew for beginners. Sewing ideas. Step by step illustration tutorial.