I've sewn up a beautiful pot holder for my kitchen - it might be too nice because every time I use it I make sure to not get anything on it and hang it up right after using it!
Fold-Up Eco-Bag Tutorial + Pattern
These bags are great for large shopping trips; but not so convenient when just running in to pick up a tomato & sour cream for dinner. That is where this little folded bag comes in handy. It's just the right size to fit into your purse so it's always ready when you need it.
Jacob's Ladder Quilt Block Tutorial
Today we are going to learn how to make a Jacob's Ladder block. Originally, the block was made using two sharply contrasting colors: a dark and a light. The pieces are arranged in such a way as to create diagonal patterns of light and dark across the block.
Milky Way Quilt Block Tutorial
We are going to make the version that looks good by itself. It is one of those quilt blocks that really only looks good as an entire quilt unless modified. The true block's pattern is only revealed when multiple blocks are put together in a straight set.
Pinwheels Quilt Block Tutorial
Are you ready for some more traditional block fun? I am finding that so many of the traditional blocks have half square triangles in them somewhere - really such a versatile block. Our block this week is the pinwheel block.
Crosses & Losses Quilt Block Tutorial
This block features a very simple half square triangle block, Crosses & Losses. Also known as Goose & Goslings, Fox & Geese, and Bouncing Betty, this block is easy to put together and allows for many drastically different looks, depending on your color choices.
Broken Dishes Quilt Block Tutorial
We are going to use the method that we used for the pinwheels because this entire block is made of half square triangles. LOTS of half square triangles - 16 to be exact! But no worries, it will go quickly!
Hourglass Quilt Block Tutorial
Today's Traditional Block Thursday tutorial features a new technique! We are going to learn how to make a quarter square triangle (QST), also known as an hourglass block. It is pretty obvious by looking at the block how the hourglass block got its name. Just like the half square triangle, the quarter square triangle is a very versatile block.