Flowers of Felt DIY tutorial.

Crafts for the New Year and Christmas

New Year's creative: create original crafts from everyday and everyday things. Everything that is near at hand - we will redesign for New Year's gifts.
Toys for Christmas and New Year

Darkness is the darkening of the New Year's decor, a sea of ideas in a selection on the actual pre-holiday theme. Christmas trees, snowflakes, toys made of felt, topiary, interior decorations ... What's not!
Slippers from jeans. DIY tutorial

No-Socks Slipper-Mocs. It's time to sew yourself warm slippers in the form of moccasins, from unnecessary old jeans pants.
Cosmetic bag with clasp. DIY tutorial

Foldable Bag DIY Tutorial
A quick note before we start …. you might notice that the fabrics in the
some of the photos are different – that’s because the photos for this
tutorial were taken during the making of two different totes. It’s
slightly lacking in photos in some parts of this tutorial – sorry about
that, it’s really hard to remember to take photos as I sew.
Spool Quilt Block Tutorials. Block 3

Spool Quilt Block Tutorials. Block 8